To view an item's availability, first select it from your results list in order to view the full item record. Each item record has an "Availability" section.
The key pieces of information to look for are which library the items in a record are located in and what the status of each item is.
In the screenshot below the library that this item is located in is "Humanities and Social Sciences - McLennan Bldg" and the status of each item in the record is "on the shelf" and available for a "regular loan". The green checkmark indicates that an item is available immediately. You can also see that four items are available next to both the building name and the library name.
In the screenshot below, the item is located in the "Humanities and Social Sciences - McLennan Bldg". You can see the availability of the item, by looking at its status. Here, it is "on the shelf" and available for a "regular loan". The green checkmark indicates that an item is available immediately. You can also see that four items are available next to both the building name and the library name.
For more information go to our "Find books & Media" instructions.