These are the possible phrase searching indexes: Author Phrase, Corporate/Conference Name Phrase, Journal Source Phrase, Language Phrase, Personal Name Phrase, Series Phrase, Subject Phrase, Title Phrase.
1. Title Phrase (ti= handmaid's tale)
If you are searching using Title Phrase, the system searches only for these words, in that order. The exact words can be found in various places, for example, the title, the variant titles, and titles included in the table of contents.
2. Title Word (ti: handmaid's tale)
If you search using Title, your search results will include items whose titles contain all these words, regardless of their order. The words matched can be found in multiple parts of the record, which results in a broader search.
3. Title Word with quotation marks (ti: " handmaid's tale")
If you search using the Title search index and enclose your query with quotation marks, the system searches for those exact words, in that order, or those words embedded in a phrase. For example, a title search "the cat who walked by himself", might return I am the cat who walks by himself as well as The Cat Who Walked By Himself. The words matched can be found in multiple parts of the record, which results in a broader search.
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