Answered By: Clara Turp
Last Updated: Apr 05, 2019 Views: 566

Here is a guide to the most commonly used search indexes for WorldCat Discovery. The list is in alphabetical order.

For a more complete list of search indexes, visit:

For more information about phrase searching see:


  1. Author:
    • Author (word) au:
      • au: Shakespeare
    • Author (phrase) au= 
      • au= Shakespeare, William
  2. ISBN
    • bn: 
      • bn: 0824771427
  3. ISSN
    • in:
      • in: 0018-165x
  4. Keyword
    • kw:
      • kw: horses
  5. Language
    • ln: 
      • ln:eng
  6. Publisher
    • Publisher (word)
      • pb:
        • pb: vintage
    • Publisher (phrase)
      • pb=
        • pb= vintage books
  7. Subject
    • Subject (word)
      • su:
        • su: horror
    • Subject (phrase)
      • su=
        • su= french language
  8. Title
    • Title (word)
      • ti:
        • ti: existentialism
    • Title (phrase)
      • ti=
        • ti= canterbury tales
  9. Year
    • yr:
      • yr: 1990
      • yr: 1980-1994


  1. Branch Shelving Location
    • b8:Law Library Primary Materials Collection


  1. Barcode
    • bq: 31037454926


  1. Material type (example for serial)
    • mt:ser


Use booleans operators (AND, OR, NOT) to combine the different indexes.