The default landing page for results:
- "Sorted by": Library
- Limit to: McGill University Library
Sort vs. Limit:
Sort By changes the order of display of your results, but does not change the number of results. WorldCat defaults to sorting by Library.
You can change your sort order should you wish.
The Sort by "Libary" default prioritizes results held within the Library, considering individual holdings first, then blending Title, Author, Date and Worldwide Holdings.
The Sort by "Best Match" blends Title, Author, Date and Worldwide Holdings with an emphasis placed on Title.
The Sort by "Recency" blends Date, Title, Author and Worldwide Holdings with an emphasis placed on Date.
The Sort by "Date" sorts by publication date of the items.
The limit (the left side of the results page under "Library") restricts the number of results. We default to showing you only results that are held by McGill.
If you are not finding what you want in the McGill holdings, you may select the BCI or Libraries Worldwide option to find more items relevant to your search. (If we don't have the title you want, find it in BCI or somewhere else in the world and request the item via ILL)