How do I map an article to the evidence pyramid?
Firstly, it will depend on which evidence pyramid you are trying to map your article to.
If the pyramid presents the evidence in a hierarchy based on study type or research methodology, then you will need to determine the type of study or methods being used in the study and use this to decide what level of evidence fits best.
If the pyramid presents the evidence in a hierarchy based on whether the evidence is appraised or synthesized (for example the 6s pyramid), then there are number of ways you can do so. Take a look at the Tips & Tricks sheet to find out more.
It is important to remember that not all articles will fit a level of evidence perfectly. Evidence pyramids are simplified models that help us to think about and understand the world of research evidence, but they do not represent the true complexity of the evidence in the real world. Think critically and explain your reasoning in your assignment, if possible.