Select the records you want to save.
For fewer than 200 records: From the Send to option (top right) choose Citation manager
Click on Create File
- In Internet Explorer: save the file (.txt) If file was saved, import the file into EndNote (File menu—Import)
- In Firefox: open with EndNote
- In Chrome: open the file
- Do not use Safari!

For over 200 records: From the Send to option (top right) choose File
Change Format to MEDLINE
Click on Create File
- In Internet Explorer: save the file (.txt). Import the file into EndNote (File menu—Import—File) > Select PubMed (NLM) filter (if not visible, click “Other Filters…” to find it)
- In Firefox: open with EndNote
If file was saved, import file into EndNote (File menu—Import—File) > Select PubMed (NLM) filter (if not visible, click “Other Filters…” to find it)
- In Chrome: same as in Firefox
- Do not use Safari!